Questions, Film Clips, Photos Generate Memories & Fun
Through the film clips, historic photos and commentary, Sentimental Productions presents to viewers the times, places and events that they very likely remember. But no one is expected to recall every fact we use to bring interesting subjects to our viewers. Our idea is not to test your knowledge, but to stretch your memory and to have a little fun. There are a total of 18 Episodes in this series, each episode is approximately 35 minutes long and has 50 questions and answers.

ACCESSING PRINTED MATERIALS: There are four different .Pdf files for each episode. All are available on a CD for the computer, shipped with each Timeless Trivia DVD. This allows for printing the questions, answer keys, bonus questions & bonus answers for each episode.

*For digital access to the questions, answers & bonus questions, please email us and tell us which episode you need and we will email the files directly to you.

BONUS QUESTIONS: Each DVD includes 25 bonus questions, which are not included or displayed on the DVD. The bonus questions are included in the printed material found on the CD. These questions follow the themes of each segment and are designed to be used as an expanded activity. 

DVD OPTIONS: Each episode includes 50 questions and is divided into five segments. Viewers can use PLAY ALL to play the entire DVD at once. Please note: Using the PLAY ALL feature, the answers immediately follow the questions in segment one followed by questions then answers in segment two, etc. Viewers can also choose to view the program one segment at a time using the CHAPTERS menu on the DVD.


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